sábado, 10 de enero de 2009

People being late

There goes one of the reasons why I hate so much people being late. Marcel Proust once said he was never late because it gave his friends the chance to start thinking about his deffects. Completely true. First thing that comes to mind is: why did we arrange a date anyway?
I also hate it when we are supposed to meet at 6:00pm and I receive a call at 5:50pm telling me they'll be 30 minutes late or whatsoever...

Those two cases may be ranked top 2 and 3 in my Top 10 Ranking Things I Hate The Most... Nonetheless, the thing the really eats me from the inside is that someone makes me go all the way to her house to meet and don't even bother to open the door or answer the phone. I think that's pretty rude. Don't cha think?

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